Latest updates from Big Brum

Stay up-to-date with the latest news here and via our social media feeds.

For details of vacancies, see

5th March 2025

‘Arts and Drama’ textbook published in China

We are delighted that images from three of our tours, ‘The Broken Bowl’, ‘Home Front - Front Line’ and ‘Along the Silk Road’, now appear in the officially-approved textbook for Year 8 and 9 Drama in the Republic of China. 'Arts and Drama' is published in four volumes by Renmin Fine Arts Publisher and is edited by Cao Xi. 

26th February 2025

British Theatre and Young People

We are delighted that a new book has just been published that includes a chapter about Big Brum’s recent work. ‘Imagining Beyond the Barbarism’ was written by our Artistic Director, Richard Holmes, and Coordinator, Ben Ballin. The book, ‘British Theatre and Young People - Theory and Performance in the 21st Century’ is edited by Uğur Ada and published by Routledge.

For further details, see the publisher’s website.

19th September 2024

Big Brum CPD:

'Living in the world of Jekyll & Hyde'

Tues 19th November 2024

We are offering English & Drama teachers the opportunity to be part of an exploratory CPD, discovering ways that this and other classic texts can be opened up.


27th August 2024

Callout for Actors

Big Brum Theatre in Education is seeking actors for a touring production of ‘Jekyll & Hyde’.

This tour is part of our programmes of work funded by Arts Council England: Schools of Recovery, a Community of Recovery and Artists for Recovery.

25th July 2024

Artists Wanted - Moments of Wow

Now closed for submissions

Autumn 2024

- Dance - Music - Painting/Drawing -

We are seeking to appoint a number of artists to carry out work in schools in response to our upcoming Theatre in Education tour of ‘Hansel and Gretel’. This new and ambitious tour aims to reach all the young people between 5-11 in North Solihull schools. We are looking for individuals with a passion for developing inspirational work with young people in primary school settings. 

Big Brum is an internationally renowned Theatre in Education Company, that takes high quality theatre and drama to young people in areas of high deprivation.

This work will take place between September and December 2024. Successful artists will be required to pass an Enhanced DBS check and complete on-line training modules on Safeguarding and Health & Safety.

Professional experience of working with young people is highly desirable.

A training and selection workshop will be held on 4th September 2024.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please compose a covering letter detailing your desire to work with and for Big Brum. In this letter we would also like to hear about your past experiences working with young people, particularly those in areas of high deprivation, or who don’t often get access to the arts. Please also attach an up-to-date CV.

Please send your CV and letter to with the subject line: Artists – ‘Hansel & Gretel’ .


£250/day. Usually 2 workshops per day over 10 days.

Big Brum is committed to building an inclusive and diverse organisation that reflects our region and the communities with whom we work. We recognise that diversity brings a wealth of benefits and strongly encourage applications from all interested people with related experience, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, trans and non-binary candidates, LGBTQ+ candidates and those who have a disability. If you have any access needs relevant to the process, please get in touch with us directly to discuss them.

19th July 2024

“Our culture is a stone sandwich…”

A tribute to Edward Bond by our Artistic Director Richard Holmes has just been published in ‘Drama’ magazine.

Click here to read the article

This article was first published in National Drama's magazine of professional practice, Drama Vol 30.2, Summer 2024.


5th July 2024

Big Brum presents, in partnership with the National Association for Environmental Education – UK & the Birmingham & Black Country Wildlife Trust

The Standing Conference on the Arts, Education and the Environment

26th July 2024, 9.30am to 3pm

The STEAMhouse, Birmingham

This is the second annual event for the Standing Conference. New participants are actively welcomed and there is no charge for attendance.

The SDtanding conference brings arts educators and environmental educators (including teachers and school leaders) together on an annual basis to:

  • develop creative and innovative practice;

  • share key debates and examples of practice;

  • explore synergies and new syntheses and enable new partnership opportunities.

It aspires to open up a ‘cultural front’ in the struggle for quality education, sustainability and the environment.

It aims to enable understanding and fresh thinking between the arts education and environmental education sectors, thereby enabling more effective and imaginative working. 

For a brief account of the 2023 Standing Conference event, please see

For bookings and enquiries, please contact:

With thanks to the STEAMhouse and Arts Connect for their additional support.

27th March 2024

‘Trains of Thought’ Project

On 2nd March 2024 we had a community event at Marston Green Station to launch eight posters sharing reception children’s ‘Trains of Thought’ following workshops and train journeys with Big Brum. 80 parents, children and teachers from Marston Green Infants Academy came along for the morning.

The project was funded by West Midlands Trains and Arts Council England.

Find out more about the project

16th June 2023

A promise? - Standing Conference on the Arts, Education and the Environment 

28th July 2023, 9.30am to 3pm at The STEAMhouse, Birmingham.

Big Brum TIE in partnership with National Association for Environmental Education UK


Tom has made a promise he can’t keep …

The conference will explore Tom’s dilemma as a way in to exploring the needs of the present and the future child.

What can we offer to Tom, individually and collectively?

To book:

8th June 2023

Callout for Theatre Designers

We seek to create work of the highest artistic quality, with production values to match.

We are seeking to build relationships with designers for forthcoming projects.

In the first instance, please send a CV to

17th February 2023

Big Brum Article in National Drama Magazine

Big Brum were approached last November by National Drama to contribute an article for their Bi-annual magazine. The article is now available in their Spring publication. Follow the link below to read about our work and plans for the future.


4th November 2022:

Big Brum is awarded NPO Status

Peter Knott, Area Director for Arts Council England said: “Opportunities for children and young people to take part in the arts is key to developing the next generation of creative talent and Big Brum provides just that. We're delighted to be investing in their work over the next three years and it'll be great to see them engage young people in their Theatre in Education programmes”

#LetsCreate #ACESupported

Board of Trustees members

We are looking for enthusiastic people to join our Board of Trustees, who are interested in supporting the company through a period of organisational development over the next 5-10 years.